Impact in the 2022 Elections

There was a lot at stake in the 2022 midterm elections and, just as we saw in 2018 and in 2020, young people once again rose to the challenge to mobilize voters. According to the Center for Information and Research for Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) at Tufts University, 27% of youth (ages 18-29) cast a ballot in 2022, making this the second-highest youth voter turnout in a midterm election.

Young people, especially women, LGBTQ+ youth, and young people of color, turned out in record numbers to thwart a red wave and elect decision-makers who will champion our voices.

Young voters gave America a chance to make the promise of democracy real. All across the country, young people are uniting to own their seat at the table and to say no decisions about us, without us.




In 2022, Blue Future:

  • Called 200,000+ voters
  • Trained 130+ youth organizers in leadership and organizing 
  • Recruited volunteers and mobilized voters for 15 different Governor, Senate, and House campaigns 
  • Invested over $175,000 directly in the pockets of youth organizers
  • Invested $30,000 via small grants to youth-led organizations in Georgia, Iowa, Michigan, Montana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, & Texas as well as to frontline abortion access organizations and hurricane relief efforts 
  • Developed an Executive Director Fellowship bringing on two-full time progressive youth leaders to expand organizational impact and create space for deep leadership growth, which is a real need for youth engagement organizations.