Impact in the 2018 Elections

Blue Future believes that sustaining a program to support young people who want to get involved in progressive politics is a key component of the winning strategy for Democrats.

In 2019, Blue Future will continue to build relationships with students in 2020 battleground states, specifically Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Florida, and North Carolina.




In 2018, Blue Future:

In 2018, Blue Future raised $78,000 in coordinated PAC funding to support student organizers working on 20 competitive Congressional campaigns across the country. These districts were chosen based on competitiveness from Cook Political ReportSabato’s Crystal Ball, the Movement Voter Project, and, and coincide with the Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) research on the top 50 districts where young people could have an especially high electoral influence in 2018.

We aim to make grants available for students in competitive Congressional districts and Presidential states in January of 2019 so they can start registering voters, recruiting volunteers, and building youth power within the campaigns.