About Us

About Us

About Us

Blue Future is a national organizing program run out of the Youth Progressive Action Catalyst, the largest progressive, youth-led, political action committee in America.

We envision a world where no matter our color or origin, our income or zip code, desire and determination are the only things getting in the way of young people’s ability to push for a transformative and progressive agenda.


To continuously engage, mobilize, and connect young people across race and place to progressive campaigns, equipping them with the resources, tools, skills, and network to be effective volunteers, organizers, and community leaders.

What Makes Us Different

Young people are the most diverse and progressive generation America has ever seen. To win improvements in people’s lives we must elect decision makers who represent our values and who will work with young people to implement those solutions.

Lack of funding for youth engagement disproportionately burdens working-class students and students of color, creating a major barrier for youth leaders who want to make a difference in the world by working for progressive candidates. We make direct financial investments in student leaders in key congressional districts who create and mobilize a base of volunteers to expand a campaign’s field efforts through canvassing, phone banking, and other needs as identified by the campaign.

Blue Future believes each of us have the intrinsic ability to dedicate our lives to the movement for social justice. But for most young people, the rising cost of living, student debt, and lack of equitable employment opportunities, creates barriers to political activism and push people to work for missions that don’t align with their values. We’re organizing to build a world where all of us—Black or white, Native or newcomer—join together for social change while earning a living wage doing work rooted in freedom, justice and compassion.

Blue Future is the first and only project of the Youth Progressive Action Catalyst (YPAC), a registered Carey Committee (or Hybrid Federal PAC).

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